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Out of control
During a rowing race, Claudia, the police's rowing hope, suddenly collapses and dies. Cause of death: heart failure. But somehow the death of the colleague only seems to shake Commissioner Brockhorst deeply. Unlike many colleagues, Brockhorst liked Claudia and wants to hold the rowing race in her honor. But who could take over the helm for the deceased? Since police officer Süher Özlügül is undergoing further training and colleague Henk Cassens is unfortunately not allowed to work on the women's police boat, Brockhorst has only one choice: pharmacist Insa Scherzinger. Insa is only too happy to take the chance to get involved in the investigation into Claudia's death. Insa can't row at all.
While Habedank is preparing for Claudia's funeral, Insa uses the training to investigate within the rowing club. Henk is also seized by the ambition to solve the case when he meets the attractive rowing coach Karen Schröter in the rowing club. Soon, however, even Brockhorst has to realize that he was wrong about Claudia.

TV - FEATURE | ZDF | 90 mins
Director: Martina Plura
Screenplay: Magdalena Grazewicz, Thomas Gerhold
Director of Photography:
Monika Plura
Steadicam: Tobias Meik
Gaffer: Konrad Zimmerman
Editing: Tobias Haas
Music: Daniel Hoffknecht
Production: Warner Bros.
Producer: Anton Moho
Maxim Mehmet
Teresa Underberg
Holger Stockhaus
Felix Vortler
Daniela Schulz
Artyom Gilz
Kristin Sukow
Yunus Cumartpay
Katrin Rover
Beat Marti
Hans Joachim Heist
Traudel Sparrowhawk
Sophie Dal